Tuesday, October 06, 2009

imported IV

metho sports carnival

January 30th, 2007

though this may sound pathetic, since i’ve been in smk metho for the seventh year now, but this year is the first time i really enjoyed the annual sports day, and actually took part… 8×100m relay. though we didn’t get in top three, it’s indeed a good experience.. practising for it, discussing it, feeling nervous bout it, and most importantly, actually participated in it. it’s my last year in metho, thank God that there’s one more memorable event during my stupid years in this school full of torture and sufferings. yet form 6 is indeed more fun..

anyways, i watched some other events, long jump and track races :P it was fun witnessing kangaroos jumping far, landing on the sand, and bullets dashing on the tracks…. wow

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