Thursday, April 29, 2010






这不正是我的妈妈吗?! 从小,妈妈在开饭时,总是捧着个小小的碗,盛了几粒米饭,吃些青菜,喝些汤,还有,吃鱼尾。我总不能理解她的品味,但也未曾细想,径自大快朵颐。一直到上了中学,读过这故事后才了解妈妈为我们所付出的一切。无论何事,妈妈都以她的孩子们为优先,为我们付出了无限青春与精力,不单在外工作,连家务事也打理得井井有条,从无怨言。





Saturday, April 03, 2010

someone special

"I like being around people who make me feel special."
"Your boy?"
"Yeah.. but i gotta share his time with his life. His family, studies, church.. even his Philharmonic CDs!!"
"Well.. then you can get back to your family too."
"They've got their own life partner all the same. Even Woody, you know, the dog, spends so much time with his Sally these days.."
"They think you're special. Just.. maybe not that special."
"That's what i mean! Isn't there someone who can treat me like i'm the only one who matters? I hate sharing a piece of someone."
"Dude, there's only ONE who matches that."

Happy Easter Sunday..

Easter Sunday, the day of resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ who was man, and died for us on the then shameful symbol, the cross. The nails went through His flesh, His blood flows and cleanses our sins. He was dead. And He resurrected. And believing in Him, declaring your faith, wins you a ticket to the Heavenly Kingdom. We need the free Grace. Only God who created you, knows you well enough that you feel so special around Him. You could never count how much time was, is, and will be, spent on you.
So, my family and friends (and i mean those particular ones whom this post is dedicated to), celebrate Easter Sunday with a different perception today =)
Happy Easter Sunday.